USBDM-Flash-Programmers  V4.12
Troubleshooting USBDM

Troubleshooting USBDM installation #1

  • The USBDM option does not appear in the Codewarrior new project wizard
    • The USBDM installation modifies the new project wizard files in the Codewarrior installation. This may fail or be undone by other changes such as the installation of Codewarrior updates.
  • The USBDM launch configurations are missing.
    This may cause the New Project Wizard to fail or make it impossible to launch debugging sessions with existing projects. This problem may be confirmed by trying to open the launch settings for a project and checking for the USBDM options.
    • USBDM uses an eclipse plug-in to implement the USBDM launch setting dialogues. If this plug-in is missing or failing to load the above issue will occur.

  • Possible causes
    • The installation failed to complete successfully. Files are missing or failed to be modified.
    • The changed files are overwritten by the installation of a Codewarrior service pack or upgrade.
    • Sometimes Codewarrior does not pick up plug-in changes initially.
    • On Windows 7, and depending on User Access Control (UAC) settings, the Codewarrior software may not be able to modify its own settings to recognise the USDBDM changes. In particular, the plug-in may fail to load because of this.

  • Resolution - Try the following in order
    1. The modification of the Codewarrior Wizard XML files is done as part of the installation process but is also available as a separate program in the USBDM menu. This may be run manually if needed. (See Start Menu->USBDM 4.x.x->/Codewarrior Wizard Patches)
    2. If using Windows 7, try running Codewarrior in administrator mode. This may allow eclipse to update its settings to recognise the USBDM changes. It should only be necessary to do this once. To do this right-click on the Codewarrior icon and select Run as administrator. You may be prompted for confirmation.
    3. Re-run the installation and choose Repair from the options. This should check all files are present and re-run any USBDM patches to Codewarrior.
    4. Open a command prompt and run the following command:
      "c:\Program Files\Freescale\CW MCU v10.0\eclipse\cwide.exe" -clean
      This should be done as administrator under Windows 7.

Troubleshooting USBDM installation #2

  • BDM appears unreliable
  • Random messages about USB problems
    • This may indicate a problem with the software versions. It is very important that exactly the same version of software and BDM firmware is used.
  • Resolution
    1. Install the latest version of the USBDM software using the installer.
    2. Check for any late updates on the sourceforge website
    3. Update the BDM to the firmware version supplied with the software.
      This is done with the provided USBDM Bootloader.
      The required files are present in the USBDM installation directory created at step a).

Troubleshooting USBDM installation #3

  • USBDM problems
    • There have been a few isolated problems reported that seem to relate to USB issues.
  • Try the following:
    1. Install the latest version of the USBDM software using the installer.
    2. Use a different USB cable
    3. Use a different USB port on the computer
    4. Add a USB port expander inline with the BDM.

Troubleshooting USBDM installation #4

  • Missing TBDML or OSBDM options in Codewarrior legacy New Project Wizard
    • The USBDM installer attempts to patch the XML files associated with the above applications to add in the TBDML or OSBDM options if they are missing. This may be the case for later devices.
      Sometimes this can be messed up by a feature of Windows 7 know as 'VirtualStore'. This is a fix to allow older programs to appear to write to protected areas of storage which is now not supported - in particular "c:\program Files....". It does this by doing the writes to another area or storage and forwarding future accesses to that new location.
      This can interfere with the USBDM patching process (or be triggered by it). The patching process has been improved to avoid this.
    • Applying service packs to Codewarrior may add new devices to Codewarrior.
      These devices may not support TBDML or OSBDM and obviously haven't been patched as above.
  • Check the following:
    1. See if there is a directory "%localappdata%\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Freescale\CWS12v5.1\bin\plugins\support"
    2. Delete the contents of the XML subfolder
    3. Run the appropriate scripts from the USBDM menu Codewarrior Wizard Patches

Testing the BDM hardware

There is TCL command interpreter supplied with the later version of usbdm. In V4.7 onwards this is available in the start menu as USBDM TCL Interpreter.
Type ? to get a list of commands.

You can do a basic output pin static test with the following commands:

;# Simple BDM test 
settarget hcs12

pinSet rst=L    ;# Reset pin should be low
pinSet rst=3    ;# Reset pin should be 3-state and have a weak pull-up to target VDD on the BDM.
pinSet bkgd=L   ;# BKGD pin should be low
pinSet bkgd=3   ;# BKGD pin should be 3-state and have a weak pull-up to target VDD on the BDM.
pinSet bkgd=H   ;# BKGD pin should be high

If you are using an unpowered BDM you would need to supply power to the BDM connector for this to visibly affect the pins.
These tests should be done without a target connected.

The following provides a repeating loop for testing with a CRO:

;# Simple BDM test loop for HCS12/08 interface pins
settarget hcs12

proc test {} {
   for { set i 1 } { $i <= 100 } { incr i } {
     pinSet rst=L  ; after 10;
     pinSet rst=3  ; after 10;
     pinSet bkgd=L ; after 10;
     pinSet bkgd=3 ; after 10;
     pinSet bkgd=H ; after 10;
     pinSet bkgd=3 ; after 10;

You can type this in directly or more conveniently save the above script it to a plain text file (say testbdm.tcl) in the same directory as the USBDM files.
You can then load the script and execute the test procedure using the following commands:

source testbdm.tcl

Adding Missing Targets to Codewarrior for HCS08/CFV1 or HCS12

Note: The above Installation process now modifies the Legacy Codewarrior installations to incorporate the changes described in the second alternative below.

USBDM 'pretends' to be a OSBDM or a TBDML for Legacy Codewarrior versions. Unfortunately OSBDM and TBDML (and hence USBDM) are no longer supported by Freescale for newer targets including some HCS12, HCS08 and Coldfire V1 devices. It is still possible to use USBDM (or OSBDM) but it requires some 'messing about' to either set up a target or to modify the Codewarrior configuration to make TBDML/OSBDM/USBDM available as a connection.

If you find that the required connection is not available for the target you are using you can do either of the following:

For each project that you create do the following steps:

  • Set up a project for one of the other debug connections (e.g. CFV1 FSL ...)
  • Start the debugger - the debugger will be unable to find the missing interface. Just cancel the dialogues but stay in the debugger.
  • Within the debugger select Component->Set Connection... and select HCS08/CFV1 Open Source BDM.
  • Exit the debugger
  • Restart the debugger from the IDE. You should find that it is now using the OSBDM/USBDM connection. This should persist unless you change the connection within the IDE in which case you will need to re-do the above steps.

I have only tried this (recently) with a CN128 but it should work for other targets. This has not been tested very much so there may be other problems.

Modify the Codewarrior configuration so that the OSBDM/USBDM connection is available in the Project Wizards.

  • Edit the target specific file for the device you are using e.g.
    "C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.3\bin\plugins\Support\HC(S)08Wizard\XML\MCF51AC256A.xml"
    "C:\Program Files\Freescale\CWS12v5.1\bin\Plugins\Support\HC12Wizard\XML\mc9s12xf128.xml"
  • Add the following clause amongst the other similar looking ones :)

For HCS08


For CFV1


For HCS12


The above has had only trivial testing so YMMV